- This is the audio file for the last print issue of Living Lutheran magazine. It includes looking back on the legacy of the magazine, a timeline of important events in the life of the magazine and the ELCA, and stories of ELCA members serving their communities. The looking back, celebrating the work, and looking to the future are common parts of transitions for ministries, organizations, and congregations.
- This is the website for the Association of Partners in Christian Education, featuring their ministries of connecting, enriching, and empowering faith formation leaders in several different denominations. The resource section includes Post Pandemic Pondering and Planning, a resource for faith re-formation.
The annual event of APCE takes place every January and this year will be in St. Louis from Jan 24-27.
- This article by Kim Dawsey-Richardson – “How Do We Steward Waiting” reflects on her experience with a medical diagnosis and home repairs during the season of Advent, and her congregation’s journey during Advent. The author outlines four practices that can occur during times of waiting and waiting some more: Pay attention, practice presence, contemplative practices, and connections with people. As we wait for God, God waits for us.