This past year's topic is for "Christian Education Network of the ELCA Presents... Learning Strategies for Intergenerational Ministry through the Seasons," along with so many other things in 2020, has needed to be adapted as we deal with a global pandemic and racial relations and tensions that have been brought to the forefront of our lives and ministries. We continue to curate usable resources to support you in your ministry! If you have additional resources to contribute, please contact the CENetwork office! Bookmark this page and check back each month for new articles and ideas!
Epiphany and Other Resources
The Good Book Club: Engaging with the Gospel of Mark, During Epiphany 2021, all are invited to read the entire Gospel of Mark. The Gospel is split into daily readings and everyone is invited to follow along! There are four ideas for getting people of all ages in your context involved, including a template for a bookmark and ideas for engaging all ages in the readings.
The folks at Building Faith offer Guiding Stars: An Epiphany Activity at Home. It is an intergenerational star making activity, including a reading from Matthew 2:10-12.
Crafting Calm: Art and Activities for Mindful Kids includes activities for all ages with the goal of creating mindfulness during stressful times.
Sensing the Seasons: Learning Centers for the Church Year - "This collection of forty activities will help people of all ages explore and experience seven significant periods of the liturgical cycle: Advent, Christmas, Epiphany, Lent, Easter, Pentecost, and Ordinary Time as well as the Church Year as a whole" For more information about this great resource, click here!
Great Resources for Advent, Christmas and Stewardship with the Family
A message from Rev. Juli Lejman-Guy: New Traditions and Looking Ahead
Candlewalk: An Interactive Evening Prayer Practice: This link from Building Faith provides guidelines for an interactive evening prayer time for families, based on the book Candlewalk: A Bedtime Prayer to God by Karin Holsinger. A list of needed supplies, and a script for the prayer time are included.
Jesus Family Tree by Stephanie Hovland creates prayers and activities for Advent using a Jesse Tree. An accompanying video has instructions for making your own Jesse Tree.
Advent in a Box explores the wonder and mystery of the Christmas Story through a collection of items in a box, including an Advent calendar, Advent wreath, tea light candles, bookmarks and other objects that help tell the story. The box can be used for at home worship and devotions and is geared for elementary school children.
Families Celebrate Advent and Christmas contains 56 cards with rituals, prayers, and reflections for Advent, suitable for at home or on the go activities. A PDF document outlines tips for including the activities in worship, and the cards can be made into decorations.
The Generosity Project is a resource with a foundation of intergenerational ministry applied to stewardship. Its goal is to equip all ages as steward leaders and disciples, at home and away from home. The curriculum includes at home activities for the practice of generosity.
Helpful Online Confirmation and Adult Resources
A letter from CENetwork of the ELCA president, Rev. Juli Lejman-Guy about Connections, and here is the video mentioned in Pastor Juli's letter.
A process for choosing curriculum based on what goals you have for specific age groups' discipleship journeys from our friends at
An outline of confirmation curriculum including Colaborate, Here We Stand, and Re:Form
An online version of The Lutheran Handbook
"We are living in unprecedented times--a health pandemic filled with economic uncertainty and unresolved racism. This added to each of our own challenges in daily life. Grief upon grief. Uncertainty upon uncertainty." The ELCA has published some really great resources on Lament and Resiliency! Check these out here!
Practical Resources for Fall 2020
From Outreach To Mission: "As the impacts of social distancing have taken root in our local community, our congregation has ramped up our engagement, moving from a simple act of generosity to a more informed approach that connects family-oriented actions with the causes of inequality in our community." This link from Building Faith outlines a format for a monthly mission project, with zoom meetings at the beginning and end, and guest speakers related to the project:
Resources for God’s Work Our Hands going virtual are here:
Gen On Ministries provides an overview of training options for volunteers who are doing online ministries:
Free downloadable cards from Sparkhouse are available for faith conversations in the home: "These Sparkhouse Conversation Cards are a fun way for families to engage in conversations about faith. Share them with families to print and use at home. Or print and distribute them to families as part of an activity kit from your church".
Engaging Volunteers for Fall Ministry, an article by CENetwork of the ELCA board member, Teresa Kaldor. This is an up-to-date volunteer plan that keeps COVID-19 in mind.
Practical Family Ministry During a Pandemic, an article by CENetwork of the ELCA board member, Julie Hestermann. This is an up-to-date look at Family Ministry 2020.
Planning Ahead to the Fall in a Pandemic
CENetwork Board Member Teresa Kaldor shares ideas for adapting God’s Work Our Hands in a Pandemic and Tips for Bringing Confirmation Online. The ideas for God’s Work Our Hands and confirmation are adaptable for settings that may be combining in person gatherings with virtual events and learning. (CENetwork of the ELCA resources)
CENetwork Board Member Carole Joyce writes a book review of Journeying In the Wilderness: Forming Faith in the 21st Century by Terri Martinson Elton. The book invites us to consider: How do we form faith in a time such as this? Reflection questions after each chapter can be used by a Christian education team or leadership group. (a CENetwork of the ELCA resource)
Building Faith has written A Blessing of the Devices to acknowledge that a lot of school learning in the fall may be taking place on line. This blessing can be used with other fall rites of passage and A Blessing of the Backpacks is included in this material:
Sparkhouse has sample videos and lessons for remote Sunday School
Rachel Simonson is the author of this resource for on line children’s ministry, God Created the World, with lessons for pre K through 6th grade. There are videos for parents and kids to watch together during times of sheltering in place.
This study guide to the article “Faithful Families” from the June/July 2020 Living Lutheran looks at the essential work of the church in forming faithful families and profiles several different congregations. The study guide can be a tool for intergenerational discussion on congregational life and ministry.
Talking About Race
A timely letter from Rev. Juli Lejman-Guy, president of the CENetwork of the ELCA.
This website, Embrace Race, in their article Looking for Excellent "Diverse" Books for Children has links to resources that help people choose books for children.
Here is an article from Living Lutheran, How to talk to kids about race, that focuses on the ongoing journey of conversations about racism and offers a Lutheran perspective.
A Christian educator, Christine Hides, outlines resources that begin the conversation, and continue the conversation on racism in her article Talking About Race and Racism with Children. Her writing also references other resources suitable for children.
A lesson from the Getting Ready packet for the 2015 ELCA Youth Gathering. It speaks to the role of faith and its role in racial justice, and is written for older teens and adults.
The ELCA Social Issues booklet, Talking Together As Christians About Tough Social Issues, presents the perspective of God is active in all reams of life. It includes Biblical themes, and guidelines for conversations on difficult issues.
This list, An Essential Reading Guide For Fighting Racism, is offered as a step in the process of conversation and reflection that leads to action.
What Can We Learn from a Box of Crayons? is a lesson that uses a drawing exercise to teach and celebrate diversity. It was written for 2nd and 3rd graders, but can be adapted for other ages.
COVID-19, A Global Pandemic!
A Change of Plans by Diane McGeoch, CENetwork of the ELCA Board Member
Milestone Ministry has a new End of School, Graduation, and Social Distancing Milestone, available as free downloads on their website.
This video from the Northeastern Minnesota Synod focuses on 2020 high school seniors.
This article from Fuller Youth Institute is about high school graduations.
For Everything a Season: 75 Blessings for Life’s Milestones by the Nilsen family has rituals for turning ordinary events into sacred time, easily adaptable for home settings. This is the Kindle edition.
- Letter about Grief from CENetwork President, Rev. Juli Lejman-Guy
A Gentle Regathering: Practical Resources for Tending to Grief & Loss
Guidance on home rituals at the time of death of a loved one
The Pandemic of Grief – An Article from the Center for Loss and Life Transition
What Does it Mean to be the Church when We Can’t Be Together?
Easter Egg Hunt Reimagined in Times of COVID-19 by Carole Joyce, Deacon (CENetwork board member)
Bible Studies from the ELCA
Coronavirus Conversations Milestone Moment from our friends at Milestone Ministry
- Pandemic Hope Devotional - 8 week Devotional for Families from our friends at Faith Inkubators.
Intergenerational Ministry through the Seasons
- Lent in a Bag provides ideas for symbols, instructions, and reflections on the season of Lent. The items in the bag can open up the senses and be a tool for faith conversations in the home. (from our friends at Build Faith)
Intergenerational Lenten Dinner Service - Mid- week worship and programs, including soup suppers or dinners are practices that can be designed for intergenerational conversations and interactions. (A CENetwork Resource)
Ash Wednesday message from Diane McGeoch, CENetwork of the ELCA board member
Lent is a more somber season, and there can be different ways to mark the weeks. Lenten Madness is a site that explores the lives of saints through a tournament that culminates in The Golden Halo Award. This is an opportunity to learn about 32 saints and vote for favorite saints.
Introduction and Invitation to The Big Idea Article by Diane McGeoch, CENetwork of the ELCA board member
Intergenerational Ministry is a broad topic and it is helpful to define what it means for your ministry setting. This article from Building Faith outlines some approaches for evaluating current programming through a lens of intergenerational ministry.
Lent is a season for reflection and contemplation. Lent can also be fun, and the Shrove Tuesday Party Packs provide everything you need for a party on Shrove Tuesday February 25th or a time before Lent. The party can be done in a church or home setting.
Wendy Claire Barrie has written an Ash Wednesday Liturgy suitable for people of all ages.