NEW! Project Linus ( This organization provides personalized quilts and prayer shawls for the bereaved.
NEW! Hospice ( This site features materials on all facets of grief and end of life compassionate care.
NEW! National Alliance on Mental Illness (NAMI) (
NEW! National Association of School Psychologists (NASP) ( Diverse materials for all ages are available from NASP, to assist children, youth and adults in their grieving journeys and situations.
NEW! Crisis Management Institute (CMI) ( This organization provides ongoing support and debriefing after school shootings, and worked with the communities of Sandy Hook, Connecticut and Uvalde, Texas. CMI also has curriculum for social emotional learning, and the program “Five Radical Minutes” which teaches listening skills.
NEW! Living with Grief: At Work, at School, at Worship – Edited by Joyce D. Davidson and Kenneth J. Doka (Hospice Foundation of America)
NEW! A Time to Mourn, a Time to Dance: Help for the Losses in Life – available from Thrivent Financial for Lutherans ( or 800.847.4836) This book explores how grief affects our lives and the lives of those around us. Chapters include personal stories, quotes, and scripture. Topics include suicide, death of a spouse, child, or sibling.
NEW! Reactions: A Workbook to Help Young People Who are Experiencing Trauma and Grief – By Alison Salloum, BCSW (
NEW! Cry, Heart, But Never Break – By Glenn Ringtved (ISBN 978-1-593270-187-2) This children’s book tells the story of a dying grandmother from the family’s perspective.