Home Ministry

  • Link to Doing Good Together, a website that provides ideas, activities, and e-
    newsletters for families to promote kindness and generosity in their everyday life. While
    not a religious site, its ideas can easily be adapted to include Christian beliefs.


  • Link to Home Practices at BuildingFaith, a web page that provides ideas,
    resources, and activities that nurture spiritual development in a home setting. Samples
    of ideas include home blessings, scavenger hunts, prayer sticks, and more.


  • Link to Living Well Children’s Workbook: Christian Practices for Children by
    Lifelong Faith Associates is a free downloadable companion to the Living Well book
    (see tab for Adult Faith Formation). It presents eleven Christian practices through
    activities, Bible passages, and practical ideas that parents can use with their children or
    older children can use alone. Practices include such topics as Caring for the Body,
    Eating Well, Forgiving, Keeping Sabbath, Participating in Community, Praying, and
    Reading the Bible.



  • Praying in Color: Kids Edition by Sybil MacBeth is a resource that parents can
    use with elementary children that teaches prayer that utilizes an activity that children
    love to do: color! Complements the Praying in Color book for adults.



  • Ready, Set, Go!: 35 Around-The-Town Adventures with God by Mark Hale is
    a book which helps parents and Christian Education teachers take God’s Word out into
    the community. These off-site Bible lessons are complete with teaching ideas and
    learning activities for elementary kids. NOTE: While this book is available on Amazon, it
    is mostly used copies since it is an older book (2000).