- Link to What is Resurrection, an online course from ChurchNext, which helps participants learn practical and encouraging ways to define and live into resurrection. Questions discussed include: What is resurrection? How does it happen, what does it mean to us now, and how do we live into it? Facilitated by author and Episcopal priest Lucas Mix. Available for groups or individuals for a modest subscription fee.
What Is Resurrection? For Groups (churchnext.tv)
- Link to Resurrection Now with Richard Rohr is a 6-session film series centering on pursuing resurrection in our daily lives. “Salvation in the Jewish scriptures is talking about liberation, fulfilment, life, wholeness, freedom, peace, NOW!” —Fr. Richard Rohr Includes a study guide that incorporates contemplative practices, encouraged by Rohr in the course of the films. Available with a subscription to the website “The Work of the People.”
The Work Of The People - Resurrection Now - The Work Of The People with Richard Rohr
- Link to Baptism Stations is an intergenerational session from Vibrant Faith for all members of the congregation. Through seven different stations, participants delve into aspects of Baptism and God’s love for us. The session is designed to be conducted in about 90 minutes but can be adapted for a shorter or longer timeframe by choosing to use only some of the stations.
Baptism Stations (vibrantfaithprojects.org)
- Link to Hope is an intergenerational session from Vibrant Faith for all members of the congregation to explore God’s promise of hope in the midst of doubts and discouragement. The session is designed to be conducted in about 90 minutes but can be adapted for shorter or longer timeframes.
Hope (vibrantfaithprojects.org)
- Link to “God Keeps His Promises”, a children’s lesson (Kindergarten – 6th grade) which focuses on the covenants God made with his people in the Old Testament, focusing on Noah, Abraham, and David.
- Link to “Jesus Raises Lazarus from the Dead” from the FaithWeaver Now curriculum is a lesson that focuses on hope and the promise of new life. Most appropriate for older elementary students.
Sunday School Lesson: Jesus Raises Lazarus From the Dead (childrensministry.com)
- Link to Wooden Spoon Bible Stories describes how to bring bible stories to life through the use of wooden spoon puppets.
Wooden spoon Bible stories | GodVenture.co.uk
- God Always Keeps His Promises by Max Lucado is a children’s storybook that describes through the retelling of bible stories how God is a promise maker and a promise keeper.