Boundless Love Resources

  • Link to 2022 ELCA Youth Gathering Getting Ready Materials contains lessons and additional resources including take-home sheets and Spotify lists for each of the 5 Boundless themes.  

ELCA Youth Gathering - Evangelical Lutheran Church in America

  • Link to “25 Ideas for Intergenerational Service” provides ideas for people of all ages to serve together to share God’s love with their communities.

Intergenerational Church Toolkit Includes 25 Ideas for Intergenerational Service | The Network (

  • Using Storybooks with Boundless Love is an easy activity to connect the youth going to the Gathering to younger children in your congregation to share about God’s boundless love. 
  • Link to “Putting the Saint Back in Valentine’s Day” by Sharon Ely Pearson at gives background information on Valentine’s Day and ideas to connect the day back to God’s love for us. The article also supplies a recipe for “love knots” to share.

Putting the Saint Back in Valentine's Day (

  • Link to God’s AMAZEing Love ( provides a free themed resource packet for children and families as well as an activity book and giveaways to purchase. 

Children's Valentine's Day-CTA, Inc. (

  • Link to Grace Unbounded: Devotions for Lent 2022 (Augsburg Fortress) provides daily devotions for adults and older teens for each day from Ash Wednesday to the Vigil of Easter.  Each devotion begins with an evocative image and a brief passage from the Gospel of Luke (the gospel focus for 2022, year C in the Revised Common Lectionary). The writers then bring their unique voices and pastoral wisdom to the texts with quotations to ponder, reflections, and prayers. In the Gospel of Luke, Jesus reaches out to all kinds of people. No limits, no restrictions, no boundaries—not even death—can stop his love and grace for all people. Also available in Large Print and as an eBook.

 Grace Unbounded: Devotions for Lent 2022 | Augsburg Fortress

  • Link to A Season of Grace: Lent Devotions for Seniors (Creative Communications) is a collection of meditations by senior authors for seniors to encourage reflection on Christ’s journey to the cross and the empty tomb and encourage them to share with younger generations the grace they have experienced through Jesus, our risen Savior.

A Season Of Grace: Lent Devotions For Seniors Booklet Various Authors : Creative Communications - Protestant

  • Link to For God So Loved: Lenten Devotions for Children (Creative Communications) includes 47 devotions for children ages 6-12 and their families to discover God’s amazing love for us from the beginning of Creation.

For God So Loved ... Children's Booklet Booklet : Creative Communications - Protestant

  • Link to For God So Loved the World: John 3:16 (Creative Communications) explores the verse that sums up God’s amazing boundless love for us.

For God So Loved The World: John 3:16 Booklet : Creative Communications - Protestant