Boundless Leader Resources

  • Link to “The Life He Promises Will Prevail” by Bishop Elizabeth Eaton in Living Lutheran (August 2021) encourages us to have confidence in the abundant life that Jesus promises.

The life he promises will prevail - Living Lutheran

  • Link to “Dying with Christ in Baptism” by the Reverend Frank G. Honeycutt in Living Lutheran (August 2021) is an excerpt from his new book Death by Baptism: Sacramental Liberation in a Culture of Fear and discusses what it means to die with Christ in baptism.

Dying with Christ in baptism - Living Lutheran

  • Link to Unfolding Light, a daily reflection (weekdays) by retired United Methodist minister Steve Garnaas-Holmes. Reflections are rooted in a contemplative, creation-centered, justice-oriented spirituality. There also are archives of recent reflections, resources for worship and music for download.

Unfolding Light – Daily Reflections and Worship Resources

  • Link to 2022 ELCA Youth Gathering Theological Explanation of the Daily Themes  contains reflections from six theologians on the general theme of Boundless: God Beyond Measure and the five daily themes.

ELCA Youth Gathering - Evangelical Lutheran Church in America

  • Link to Spiritual Practices: Forgiveness, an article from the website Spirituality & Practice, provides a basic overview and links to other resources on forgiveness including artwork, books, and films.

    Forgiveness as a Spiritual Practice | Spirituality & Practice (

  • Link to “Pentecost during Pandemic:  A Reflection on Invitations and Challenges” by Kathy Coffey-Guenther points to the invitation of Christ to follow him to serve God’s people.

Pentecost during Pandemic:  A Reflection on Invitations and Challenges - Kathy Coffey-Guenther, Ph.D - Ignatian Volunteer Corps (

  • Link to “Respectful Practices for Approaching Multicultural Resources” by Ellis Reyes Montes at provides thoughtful guidance on incorporating resources from other cultures into our worship communities.  Building relationships and determining what is important to others is key.

Respectful Practices - Building Faith (